[模板] 樹狀數組 Binary indexed tree
之前寫了一個BIT模板失敗了,今天練習逆序數對時心血來潮再試一次成功了XD,不過可能是還有潛在的錯誤只是我沒發現罷了@@ (取名叫sum好像怪怪的......)
I used to fail to make a BIT template; however, I tred it again on a whim when practicing Inversion count problem and succeeded this time. Maybe there are still some mistake not found@@
(the name "sum" seems to be weird......)
I used to fail to make a BIT template; however, I tred it again on a whim when practicing Inversion count problem and succeeded this time. Maybe there are still some mistake not found@@
(the name "sum" seems to be weird......)
class BIT{ private: vector<int> BITT; int dis; public: inline void init(int n) { BITT.clear(); BITT.resize(n+1,0); dis = n; } inline void update(int i,int x) { while(i <= dis) { BITT[i] += x; i += i&-i; } } inline int sum(int i) { int res = 0; while(i > 0) { res += BITT[i]; i -= i&-i; } return res; } };